What does success look like?
We are always striving to be better at what we do, and by 2025 we will be succeeding in key areas:
- Those responding to incidents will have access to all the risk information held by the Service, when they need it.
- Sharing of real-time information including photos/videos will be available.
- Mobile devices will be widely used to capture data, improving efficiency and speed that the information is available to share with colleagues.
- Operational colleagues will be less reliant upon voice, with data routinely exchanged between our 999 call team and responders digitally.
- Our 999 call team will be re-located, with an Incident Management facility located within the same building.
- A new partnership with another fire and rescue service will be in place, enabling another Service to mobilise our resources for business continuity.
- Our 999 call team will move to a Computer Aided Dispatch system that is designed for a fire and rescue service.
- Mobilising of resources between Emergency Services will be undertaken using multi-agency incident transfer.
- Customers will be able to share footage of an incident with Control and Responders.
- Fire Investigations will be managed as cases through the Dynamics system.
- Customers will be able to book routine visits online.
- On-call responders will be alerted to an incident via a Smart phone App.
- Connectivity at the incident ground will be improved, enabling better communications and data sharing.