Fires and Heating Safety

If an open fire is in use:

  • ensure that the chimney is swept regularly and is safe to use
  • have it cleaned and inspected at least once a year
  • ensure that an adequate ‘spark guard’ is always left in place, even when it would seem the fire has died out. Sparks can unexpectedly shoot out of even a damped down fire and set fire to a rug or carpet
  • drying clothes in front of an open fire is a big fire safety risk – avoid this practice
  • ensure all wood, coal and other fuels are stored at a safe distance from the fire
  • make sure that there is no clutter on or around the fire place
  • ensure that chimneys, flues and vents are not blocked and have them checked regularly

If a gas fire is in use: 

  • make sure it’s serviced by a Gas Safe engineer at least once a year
  • if it becomes apparent that this kind of fire is advertently being left on or not used safely, then consider having the gas supply disconnected and install a safer form of heating
  • avoid having ‘exposed element’ heaters in the home
  • consider buying oil filled radiators with thermostatic/timer controls. Electric heaters should be placed well away from anything flammable, such as furniture, curtains and seating
  • think about fitting a guard
  • these heaters should not be left unattended or left on overnight

If an electrical fire or heater is in use: 

  • make sure they are serviced regularly
  • think about fitting an extra guard
  • keep them a safe distance from furniture and curtains 

If there are concerns about using gas or electrical appliances correctly, contact the gas or electrical company.