Activities within premises
If you own or run premises where activities take place - such as licensed premises, holiday accommodation, event venues and caravan and park home sites, you may need to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment.

Licensed premises such as bars, pubs and clubs
Bars, pubs, clubs and anywhere else that needs a licence, will need to make sure there are fire safety measures in place

Caravan sites, caravans and park home parks
Caravan sites where caravans are used as permanent residential units, caravans that having paying guests, and park home parks must all consider fire safety measures and where necessary undertake a fire risk assessment.

Event safety for public events
Public events need to carry out a fire risk assessment. This applies to events held indoors or outdoors where people assemble. The requirements for your assessment will depend on whether it is an open air event, or on the size of premises.

Holiday accommodation
Holiday accommodation can include bed and breakfast, guest houses and self catering accommodation in flats, cottages and houses. All holiday accommodation will need to carry out a fire risk assessment, but the nature of the assessment will depend upon the size of the premises. Learn more on Holiday accommodation page.