Plans, reports and supporting publications
As a local authority we publish information and documents about what we do. These publications range from our Community Risk Management Plan which looks at all the potential risks we may deal with, how we allocate resources, our objectives and strategy, to our Gender Pay Gap Report and Equal Pay Review.
These publications provide information about the work of Kent Fire and Rescue Service, how we are run and how we deliver our services now and in the future. We are here for our customers and encourage you to take a look at these publications and learn more about what do.
Our plans

Our aims and objectives
Learn about our four main objectives, aimed at working together, saving lives and reducing harm.

Delivery plan
Read about our priorities and how we plan to meet them over a four-year period, key areas we will be working on, plus our enabling plan.

Short on time? This Summary of our Delivery Plan covering the period 2025 to 2029 provides a useful overview.

Impact evaluation
We constantly evaluate our work and projects to ensure we learn and improve, allocate resources effectively and measure our performance.
Supporting publications
Kent and Medway Risk Profile Oct 2021
We continually monitor demand and potential risks across the county and identify significant developments that may impact how we deliver our services or indicate future risks.
Please note: only available as a PDF
Community Risk Response
Our Community Risk Management Plan consultation Response 2023 provides information about our consultation and its outcomes
Our 10-year Assessment
Our Assessment sets out the changes we might see in the next ten years or s and how we have used this to develop our strategies.
Our Reports

Equal Pay Review
Our March 2023 Equal Pay Review (in PDF only) gives details of our pay framework, structure and more, as well as departmental comparisons.

Gender Pay Gap Reports
We value difference and use reporting tools such as the Gender Pay Gap Report to monitor and evaluate our progress. We have maintained a gender pay gap lower than the national figures. Learn more from our Reports.

HMICFRS report
His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services 2023 report 'Values and culture in fire and rescue services’. KFRS have completed all 20 recommendations assigned to us. To learn more go to 'Our Progress so far - March 2024'.
External publications
Publications relating to Kent Fire and Rescue Service but not produced or published by us.
Values and culture in fire and rescue services
Published by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services on the 3 March 2023 this report 'focuses on the values and culture of all 44 fire and rescue services (FRSs) in England'.