Warning systems and alarms
What you need to know

The type of fire alarm you have will depend on your type of premises. Read about the different types of alarm and what will be suitable for you.

Fire detection is generally made up of sensors or detectors that can detect heat, smoke and carbon monoxide, and provide early warning of a potential threat.

Automatic fire detection
Automatic fire detection is an electronic system that provides early warning of the signs of fire and is made up of several components.

Testing and maintenance
It's important that once you have a fire alarm and detection system, it is supervised by a Responsible Person and is tested and maintained.

False alarms
False alarms are a common occurrence when an AFA is installed in a premises. Learn what you can do to reduce the risk of false alarms, how KFRS manage calls and our policy.
Things to remember ...
All business premises must have appropriate fire detectors and alarms which should be:suitable for your type of premises and staff, installed by a competent person, and regularly tested and maintained
Make sure :
- your fire detection system allows a fire to be discovered quickly and the alarm raised, so that everyone can escape to a place of safety
- your fire alarm and detectors are the right type and in the right locations
- everyone in the building can hear the warning
- you have a back up power supply ( if it’s an electrical system)
Fire alarm and detection systems are important - they save lives and can help to minimise damage to your building and business.