Home education resources
Here at Kent Fire and Rescue Service, we know how important it is to reach every corner of the county to promote and educate about fire safety. Our dedicated Education Team have compiled a suite of resources, so you can learn about fire safety in your home education environment!
3-5 years old
Let's meet a Firefighter
To introduce the basics of fire safety and the role of firefighters. Our resources also link to the PSHE Programme of Study through Understanding the World.
- Explore how things work
- Show interest in different occupations
- Begin to talk about members of their community
What is an emergency?
This session is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of fire safety and help them understand how to respond in an emergency.
- Students will be able to recognise what an emergency is
- Students will understand Get out, Stay out and Call 999
- Students will understand the role of the Fire Service and Firefighters
Meet one of our Firefighters
6-7 years old
What to do in an emergency
In this session we will explore the basics of fire safety within a home.
- Students will be able to define what an emergency is
- Students will be able to recognise common fire hazards in the home
- Students will understand the importance of telling an adult if they notice any fire hazards or unsafe situations in the home.
- Students will understand Get out, Stay out and Call 999
The Great Fire of London
In this session, students will discover the challenges faced by firefighters in the past and the advancements in firefighting equipment that have made our lives much safer today.
- Understand the significance of The Great Fire of London.
- Identify the tools and methods used by firefighters in the past.
- Compare historical firefighting techniques with modern methods and equipment.
- Recognise the importance of fire safety and the role of firefighters in our communities.
8-9 years old
Be Safe - Escape plans
Having an escape plan is important. This session introduces the concept of fire safety, focusing on escape plans and prevention strategies.
- To understand the importance of having a fire escape plan.
- To recognise common fire hazards and learn safe behaviours to prevent fires.
- To promote safe actions that can prevent fires in their homes and communities
10-11 years old
Be Smart - Electrical fire safety
This session is designed to teach students essential safety practices they need to follow when using and charging electrical devices at home.
- To ensure students understand the potential fire risks posed by electricity.
- To encourage students to adopt and share safer behaviours around electricity by sharing strategies with them.
- Understand the importance of electrical safety, especially when using and charging devices.