Higher risk premises

Higher risk premises are those such as care homes, nursing homes, specialised housing - for example sheltered housing, supported living and extra care accommodation - and those providing healthcare such as hospitals. 

All these types of premises have or may have residents or patients who may require assistance in the event of a fire. 

All higher risk premises have an obligation to carry out a fire risk assessment. The requirements of the assessment will depend upon the nature of the premises. 

Please see below for further information including details of our Safer Care Service for health and care premises

Residential care premises

Residential care premises are those providing residential care in the form of personal or nursing care such as caring for the elderly or infirm, children and young persons, those with special needs, and those with addictions.

Please be aware that this does not include healthcare premises, which are subject to different requirements.

Fire safety for residential care premises

Healthcare premises

Healthcare premises are those where their main use is to provide healthcare. This includes hospitals, private healthcare premises and medical centres. 

Please note this does not include care and nursing homes (unless their main purpose is the provision of healthcare), sheltered accommodation, and centres such as day-care or rehabilitation premises where users are not residential.

Read about fire safety for healthcare premises

Specialised housing

Specialised housing includes:

  • sheltered and retirement housing
  • extra care housing 
  • supported housing

Learn more about these types of specialised housing and the guidance available on our specialised housing page.

Specialised housing - learn more...

Safer Care Service

Kent Fire and Rescue Service provide a Safer Care Service for health and care businesses, particularly residential and nursing care premises. Our service is designed to help these business thrive and understand and meet their fire safety responsibilities. To do this we provide seminars, workshops, information and guidance. 

Learn more on our Safer Care page
Go to Safer Care Service