30+ Incident Tuesday 08 March 2022 19:40
A family received help and support from firefighters and volunteers, following an electrical fire at their home in Greenhithe, Dartford.
Four fire engines were sent to the house in King Edward Road, where crews wearing breathing apparatus extinguished the flames using hose reel jets.
Firefighters gave first aid to two adults who had inhaled smoke, and provided oxygen to a bearded dragon and two hamsters using a specialist animal mask. Sadly, the two hamsters died.
Members of KFRS’ volunteer response team were also on-hand to provide support and advice to the affected residents.
It’s believed the fire, which started on the first floor of the home, started accidentally due to an electrical fault.
Following the incident, crews are reminding all members of the public to use electricity safely.
You can help to reduce the risk of a fire by checking sockets are not overloaded, having any damaged cables replaced by a qualified electrician, and ensuring white goods, such as dishwashers and tumble dryers, are not left running at night or when leaving the house.
Another top tip is to register electrical appliances, so that you’re notified of any recalls.