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12 May 2023
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Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) has pledged its continued support for people who have served in the Armed Forces, with a promise to make sure they are treated fairly and equally in their day-to-day lives.
Chief Executive Ann Millington signed the Armed Forces Covenant today (11 May 2023), in front of military personnel and KFRS representatives, including colleagues who are also veterans.

The agreement was co-signed by Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Castro of the Royal Engineers, who was joined by Major Ben McGauley and Regimental Sergeant Major, Andrew Hurren.
KFRS is a long-standing supporter of the voluntary agreement and already has 31 designated armed forces champions within its workforce, who are specially trained to understand the culture of the military community, and the impact it can have on individuals and their families.
By using their knowledge, the champions can develop tailored services for veterans who live and work across Kent and Medway, including employees within KFRS, while helping them to seek extra support for them and their families from other organisations.
news 16-05-2023