Have your say on how KFRS meets your needs
01 November 2023
People across the county are invited to shape the future of their fire and rescue service by taking part in a community risk survey.
People living across Kent and Medway are invited to help shape the future of their fire and rescue service, through a community risk survey launching today (1 November).
People who live in the area, or are visiting, have until 1 February 2024 to take part in the consultation. It looks at the risks across the county and what Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) should focus on over the next four years.
The survey, which takes a few minutes to complete, is an opportunity for everyone to:
- understand and agree the risks that affect them.
- offer other views or concerns.
- influence whether KFRS has chosen the right areas of focus.
Because residents pay for the services provided by KFRS through council tax, it’s important they have their say and help to influence plans.
KFRS Chief Executive Ann Millington said: “We’re a forward thinking, modern fire and rescue service, with a long, proud history. We must now adapt to meet the emerging risks that we face across our county, and this is a pivotal moment for Kent and Medway residents to help shape the future of their fire and rescue service.
“We want to work together with all the people who pay for our services through council tax, gaining their views and consent to adapt and make changes that will help keep everyone even safer.”

news 31-10-2023
news 21-11-2023