Members - Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority

Read about our members, who they are, how to get in touch and the allowance they receive.

Members allowances

Members receive an allowance to cover their time and any miscellaneous expenses. Details are contained in the Scheme of members' allowances below

Scheme of members' allowances payable from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2026

Scheme of members' allowances payable from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2026

Basic Allowance: £1,670.48 per annumfor 2024/25

(there will be an inflationary increase with effect from 1 April 2025, based on the Green book pay award)

  1. Payable to all Authority Members to cover their time commitment on KMFRA duties and any miscellaneous expenses incurred in pursuit of KMFRA business such as office equipment, stationery, and day-to-day subsistence.
  2. Members must serve 14 consecutive days on the Authority before they become eligible to receive Basic Allowance.  For those who meet that requirement the allowance will be backdated to the date of their appointment.

Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs) 

(subject to annual inflationary increases and paid in addition to the Basic allowance)

Post-holder% of Chairman

Allowance (per annum) for 24/25






Opposition group leader 30


plus £319.43 for every Member above two

 (inflation applied each year).

  1. Members may only receive one SRA at any one time no matter how many offices within the KMFRA that Member may hold.
  2. Basic Allowance and SRAs will be increased by the same percentage, and on the same dates, as the annual pay award to the Authority’s ‘Green Book’ (non-uniformed) staff.
  3. Allowances may be rounded up or down where necessary for payment purposes.

Travel and subsistence allowances

Members’ private vehicles

Mileage is reimbursed at His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) approved rates.  At the date of approval of this scheme these rates were:

Cars:   45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles per annum and 25p thereafter (with an additional 5p per mile for journeys where another Member is carried as a passenger on official business)

Motorcycles:   24p per mile

Bicycles:         20p per mile

Public transport

Rail (standard class only), bus and taxi (where no other means of transport available) fares reimbursed as incurred, subject to tickets/ receipts being submitted wherever possible.

Eligible duties for claiming travel allowance

  • All official Authority meetings, and all Committee, Panel, etc meetings as a Member of that Committee, Panel, etc.
  • Other meetings or events relating to the business of the Authority and authorised by the Authority or called by the Chief Executive or Clerk.
  • Briefing sessions in respect of official Authority, Committee and Panel meetings attended by KMFRA office-holders in relation to the responsibilities for which they receive SRAs.
  • Meetings of all outside bodies to which the Member is appointed by KMFRA, except where those bodies have their own expenses schemes.


No allowance payable for day-to-day subsistence because an element for this has been included in the Basic Allowance.  However, Members may claim direct reimbursement of actual expenditure incurred on non-routine subsistence, eg when away overnight on KMFRA business, subject to receipts being submitted. 

General notes

  1. Allowances are only payable for the period during which a Member holds office and Members may be required to refund any over-payments of allowances made to them.
  2. Where a Member of the Authority is also a Member of another authority, that Member may not receive allowances from more than one authority in respect of the same duties.
  3. Any Member may choose to forgo all or part of his or her entitlement to allowances by giving notice in writing to the Clerk. 
  4. Members’ private vehicle mileage is reimbursed at the HMRC approved rates and will change automatically from time to time as those rates change. 
  5. Travel Allowances must be claimed before the end of the financial year in which they become payable, or within six months, whichever is the shorter.