Fire safety intervention
Worried about a young person starting fires? We are here to help...
We have a dedicated team of Intervention Officers who work with anyone up to the age of 18 that has an unhealthy interest or fascination with fire. The team work with young people and offer them fire safety advice, education and mentoring.
How it works
The officers initially build up a rapport with the young person and their families, which happens through sessions that can be carried out at home, school or residential unit, wherever is convenient, in order to foster an environment where the young person feels confident to speak out about any concerns.
They discuss the aims of the intervention in a positive manner, highlighting the need to keep the family safe and well. The sessions are adapted to meet the individual’s needs and highlight not only the dangers associated with fire but also the consequences of their actions on themselves and the whole community, utilising and adapting a variety of resources in order to achieve this.
They also believe that working collaboratively with other professionals will enable the family to receive more support, guidance and raise any safeguarding concerns, while still being on hand to answer questions and provide support throughout the whole process.
What the team will not do
- make false promises
- judge
- tell the young people off
- use shock tactics
Advice for parents and carers
- Make sure matches and lighters are stored out of sight and reach of children and young people.
- Consider looking for lighters and/or matches in bedrooms and school bags.
- Keep outbuildings, garden sheds and garages locked to prevent access to flammable items.
- Make sure the home is fitted with working smoke alarms.
- Make a home fire safety plan with your family and practice it.
For any other concerns phone 0800 923 7000 to arrange a Safe and Well visit
How to make a referral
If you think there is a problem then please get in touch with us. Help is free and confidential. You can email or hpone 01622 692121 and ask for the Education Intervention Team. We will ask you to complete a referral form and submit it.
Once a referral is received, the team will contact you to explain how they can help.