Our volunteers

We are proud to have volunteers

Our volunteers bring skills, time and experience to our organisation which can be of great benefit to both Kent Fire and Rescue Service and the public. In return our volunteers enjoy the opportunity to make a difference to people in their local area, develop new skills, meet people from different backgrounds, have their contribution and achievements recognised, and ultimately help save lives.

We have volunteers in a variety of different roles which involve supporting crews and members of the public at operational incidents, helping to run successful events, managing resources, as well as supporting with our ongoing building safety and research work.

Being a volunteer at KFRS can fit into any lifestyle. It’s a great opportunity to love what you do, whilst making invaluable contributions to ensure we deliver a high quality service to all of our customers, in a variety of situations and scenarios.

Becoming a volunteer at Kent Fire and Rescue Service


Watch this space for details of when we have volunteer roles available. When they are, simply select the button below to learn more and apply.

When recruitment is closed, stay connected by signing up for our mailing list and following us on social media to be the first to hear about future opportunities!

Volunteer recruitment for our Volunteer Response Team is open

Volunteer recruitment is open

What role would suit you?

Member of KFRS with a customer

Business safety

Business safety volunteers work with business communities and assist our inspectors.

graphic illustration of magnifying glass and documents


Volunteers support projects undertaken by Customer Experience and Behaviour Change.

Volunteer talking to a young boy


The team provides  support for our events, education and safe and well teams.

Resources - button labelled on keyboard


Liaising with other teams to ensure volunteers have access to resources. 

Volunteer Response Team

Volunteer response team

Providing welfare support 24/7 at operational incidents 

What our colleagues say about our volunteers ...

Kent fire and Rescue Services value our volunteers and the fantastic work they do - here's what some of our colleagues have to say...