How KFRS helps keep Kent’s oldest resident safe at home

09 September 2024

One-hundred-and ten-year-old, Hilda, explains how home visits from Kent Fire and Rescue Service have helped her stay safe and independent. 

At the grand age of 110 years old, Hilda Luck is believed to be the oldest resident in Kent and has been having annual home fire safety visits from Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) for the past three years. 


Hilda still lives at the home in Rainham that she and her late husband moved into almost sixty years ago and, with the help of carers and loved ones, she remains remarkably independent.  


Annual visits from Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) also help to make sure she is as safe as possible from fire and other hazards – giving Hilda, and her family, additional peace of mind.  


A neighbour initially referred her to KFRS concerned she wouldn’t wake up to the smoke alarm at night when not wearing her hearing aids. 


Hilda said: “I just take it all in my stride, it’s nice having someone coming over and to check things and talk to you. It makes me feel safer. 


“Luke from KFRS fitted me a special smoke alarm and it’s a help knowing something extra like that is there as you get older.” 


Luke Young, a Safe and Well Officer at KFRS, first met Hilda when she was 107-years-old 


Luke, a Safe and Well officer, with Hilda who is Kent's oldest resident

He said: “It is inspiring for someone of this age to be so independent, and seeing how Hilda does things herself, and wants to continue doing things for herself, is amazing. Helping older people to live safely in their own homes for as long as possible is a really important part of what we do. 

“I fitted a night cover alarm in Hilda’s home, which is a vibrating pad under her pillow and a flashing strobe light at the side of her bed to wake her up if smoke is detected - because she’s less unlikely to hear a smoke alarm at night.  

“I’ve really enjoyed visiting Hilda over the years - she’s more than willing to let you know that she likes looking after herself. She gets up and about, she uses her frame to get around her home, and she’s always up for a chat and to talk about the many stories that she has about her life.”  


And, Hilda’s advice for remaining independent for so long – “Forget how old you are and get on with what you’ve got to do. Don’t keep moaning!” 


Booking a home fire safety visit 


During a home visit, an officer will test, fit or relocate smoke alarms as necessary, and identify any hazards in your home, to help keep you safe. They’ll also check for any recalled white goods and provide you with advice tailored to your circumstances and your property.  


  • Are over 70 

  • Have a long-term health condition 

  • Smokers 

  • Families with children under five 

  • Expectant mothers 


Call the team on 0800 923 7000 to book a visit for yourself, or to refer a loved one with their permission. 

110 year-old Hilda, sat on an armchair, during a home Fire and Safety Visit