Save the date for the next KFRS Online Open Day
28 July 2020
Families, Community
Following the success of Kent Fire and Rescue Service’s (KFRS) first ever Online Open Day in May, the service is pleased to announce that they will be hosting a second online event on Thursday 6 August 2020.
Aimed at families of all ages, the first ever online open day was launched in place of the service’s annual ‘Family Open Days’, which have had to be cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Now, the service is calling on Kent residents at home to tune in once again to this second online open day, which will go live at 11am on Thursday 6 August, on the Kent Fire and Rescue Service Facebook channel. The videos will be posted throughout the day until 2pm, each one with a different theme.
Those who attended the annual open days in 2019, will have enjoyed hearing from KFRS staff, watching firefighter displays, the Byrnes show and taking part in the new activity trail. The good news is, all of this will still play a part in the next online open day, meaning everyone can still experience almost everything a normal open day offers - but without even having to leave the house!
The next Online Open Day will include a number of safety messages within the videos, each one with a different theme. There will even be the chance to virtually explore Ramsgate fire station and see specialist equipment, such as the Animal Rescue Unit. Some videos will be hosted by firefighters, while others will be presented by members of the education team and the Byrnes Family.
There will even be an online activity trail with open day videos and safety questions, that families and little ones can have fun filling out at home. Once completed, families will be able to enter a competition to win a visit to their local Kent fire station*.
Ann Millington, Chief Executive, said:
“We were so pleased with the success of our first Online Open Day in May, and we can’t wait to see what families will think of our second event on 6 August. Our firefighters and staff have worked hard to create the next set of family-friendly videos, which aim to capture the same fun feeling of a normal open day, but with more interactive learning from home.”
“It may also be the summer holidays now, but learning about fire safety is still incredibly important- especially with many people spending more time at home during this time cooking, using electricals and having barbecues. We do hope you’ll save the date and tune in on the day, it’s going to be great fun for the whole family!”
Will you tune into Kent Fire and Rescue Service’s next Online Open Day? Find out more about how you can watch along on our Facebook event page, or on the dedicated webpage.
*Visit will be planned once the current COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.
news 01-09-2020