Reporting an allegation about a member of KFRS staff
All organisations, including Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS), providing services to children, young people and vulnerable adults must ensure that their staff and volunteers (paid, unpaid and casual workers) are safe to do so.
Any incident where a child, young person or any other person has grounds to believe that a member of KFRS staff has crossed the boundary of acceptable behaviour and may have caused harm to a child, young person or vulnerable adult should be reported.
Details of how KFRS manage safeguarding allegations can be found in our Managing Safeguarding Allegations Policy
All allegations should be reported without delay to: Access to this inbox will be restricted to staff who have had relevant training.
Allegations may also be received by telephone 01622 692121,
As soon as it is recognised that the issue relates to safeguarding, the minimum information possible will be recorded and passed to the Duty Strategic Commander (DSC).